Price comparison Portal

utlity (saas)

Price comparison portal -
Singapore Power

EMPLoyee - capgemini

Lead UX Designer

Project requirement

As the Government of Singapore has decided to open the electricity market from April 2018 where the customers can choose the retailer by their own choice and therefore we need to create a portal where the customers can access the retailer offers and information, compare the prices by providing their consumption usage as input and choose the best suits them.


  • Deriving the customer journey map
  • Achieving the business needs for the retailers.
  • Allowing easy access of information and data for the users
  • No vague data mockup created, the screens created during the workshop has been validated with actual data & information.

Design Process

User journey/Task flow


Retailer wireframe screens


Customer screens

visual designs

Design Screens

key Responsibilities
Core UX & Visual Designer, Client interaction, Stakeholder meetings, Design Management

